Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My Life, or something like it

Up at 9. Done with ablutions by 9:30. Clean up rooms, mop: 9:35. Start cooking post food-status-check in refrigerator - 9:45. Shower: 10. Muesli with milk for breakfast: 10.15. Done with boiling potatoes, now onto curry: 10.20. Done with curry, leave for office: 10.35. Work till 11.45. A light snack: 12. Lunch break: 1. Back at work: 2.

Okay, you guessed right - that is my routine. The exact minutes of the hour keep changing from day to day, but you get the general idea, don't you?

Decided to post this if only to prove that I have this silly streak in me. Ditto for vanity. Not that either required any proof in the first place <g> Hmm, well, this is off the record: I've also got a lot of time to kill ;-)