Sunday, January 15, 2006

Felt good

After a long, long time, I spoke to a friend who has come down to India for a visit from the US. She’s lugging her little boy along with her too. The only sad part is we probably won’t be able to meet when she’s here. That’ll have to wait for a future date I guess…

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Memory Malfunction

Of late, I've been struggling to remember details of conversations that I've had with friends - what they have been up to, names of some of their friends, what new job have they moved into, and such. Seems pretty commonplace, until you happen to know that I have been saying this for more than three summers now.

What's wrong with the old bean, you start wondering, when things start getting worse and friends accuse you of being careless and even casual about the attention you pay to them.

If you do know, drop me a line :-)