Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Ubuntu Journey

Remember I mentioned that I was going to try and switch over to using Linux - and Ubuntu in particular - full-time? Well, that effort is into the second week and going strong. Stronger, I should have said, since I've switched over to Ubuntu at the workplace as well. And I'm enjoying every minute of it. What with eye candy like Wobbly Windows, built-in support for in Rhythmbox, why wouldn't I? (And yes, the icon of the clouds that you see on the top panel in this screenshot is that of a weather widget. There are weather widgets that sit on your desktop on Windows (built-in in Vista and Win7), Mac and every other OS, but I like this one for its unobtrusiveness.)

Using a computer is so much fun again. The only instance when I had to boot into Windows was when a DVD misbehaved, and wouldn't play on Rhythmbox. I'm positive it would have played on VLC, but I hate that program, and so didn't install it. Haven't done yet, and never will probably.

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